Flash Tool Brom Error Status Upload Exception

SP Flash Tool is a flashing application that helps to accept a backup of your device'south firmware or flash the firmware back to your device. Information technology is compatible with the MediaTek powered devices and works with about all the MediaTek Devices like Smartphones, Smartwatches, etc. Tough the application is simple to use, but information technology throws many errors without the proper information. So, today we are going to share the list of SP Wink Tool errors (BROM Errors) and give their meanings and solutions to fix them. Nosotros accept covered nigh all the SP Wink Tool errors on this page, and if nosotros have missed any, and then you can post them in the annotate section beneath.

Complete List of SP Flash Tool Error Codes and their Meanings and Solutions

And then, let's now proceed to fix SP Flash Tool or Fix BROM Errors on your PC.

Tabular array of Contents

  • one How to Ready SP Wink Tool Errors (BROM Mistake Codes):
    • 1.1 SP Flash Tool Failed to enumerate COM Port
    • 1.2 The device automatically disconnects during flashing
    • 1.3 SP Flash Tool remains at 0%
    • one.4 Error: Initialize scatter file failed. Please check the scatter file proper name you load is legal
    • ane.five Error: USB device not recognized
    • one.vi Error: Please select i ROM at least before execution
    • i.vii Error: PRO_INFO: Failed to get PMT info
    • 1.8 Mistake 1002: S_INVALID_ARGUMENTS
    • 1.9 Error 1012: BROM ERROR: S_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY (1012)
    • ane.ten Error 1003: S_COM_PORT_OPEN_FAIL (1003)
    • ane.11 Fault 1013: BROM Mistake: S_COM_PORT_OPEN Fail (1013)
    • one.12 Error 1011: S_NOT_ENOUGH_STORAGE_SPACE
    • 1.13 Fault 1022:
    • ane.14 Error 1040: S_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION (1040)
    • i.15 Error 1042: BROM Error: S_TIMEOUT (1042)
    • i.xvi Fault 2: BROM Fault: ?? (2)
    • ane.17 Error 4008: BROM ERROR : S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL (4008)
    • 1.18 Fault 2004: BROM Fault : S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL (2004)
    • 1.nineteen Fault 2005: BROM ERROR: S_BROM_CMD_STARTCMD_FAIL (2005)
    • 1.20 Error 2020: BROM Fault : S_BROM_CHKSUM16_MEM_RESULT_DIFF (2020)
    • i.21 Mistake 3001: S_DA_EXT_RAM_ERROR
    • 1.22 Mistake 3012: NAND_FLASH_NOT_FOUND
    • 1.24 Fault 3144: S_DA_EMMC_FLASH_NOT_FOUND (3144)
    • i.25 Error 3149: BROM Fault : S_DA_SDMMC_WRITE_FAILED (3149)
    • i.26 Error 3168: BROM ERROR: S_CHIP_TYPE_NOT_MATCH (3168)
    • 1.27 Fault 3182: BROM ERROR: S_STORAGE_NOT_MATCH (3182)
    • i.28 Fault 3167: BROM_ERROR: S_STORAGE_NOT_MATCH (3167)
    • 1.29 Fault 3178: BROM_ERROR: S_STORAGE_NOT_MATCH (3178)
    • one.thirty Fault 4001: S_FT_DA_NO_RESPONSE or Da didn't send response data to Wink Tool
    • 1.31 Error 4004: Driver Error
    • 1.32 Mistake 4009: S_FT_READBACK_FAIL (4009)
    • 1.33 Error 4010: BROM Error : S_FT_FORMAT_FAIL
    • 1.34 Error 4017: BROM Fault: S_FT_NAND_READLEN_NOT_ALIGNMENT (4017)
    • 1.35 Error 4032: BROM ERROR : S_FT_ENABLE_DRAM_FAIL (4032) [EMI] Enable DRAM neglect
    • 1.36 Mistake 4050: S_FT_NEED_DOWNLOAD_ALL_FAIL
    • 1.37 Error 4058: BROM Error: S_FT_GET_MEMORY_FAIL (4058)
    • 1.38 Mistake 5002: S_INVALID_DA_FILE
    • ane.39 Error 5007: BROM Mistake : S_FTHND_FILE_IS_NOT_LOADED_YET (5007)
    • 1.40 Error 5054: BROM Mistake S_DL_GET_DRAM_SETTINGS_FAIL (5054)
    • ane.41 Fault 5069: BROM Error : S_DL_PMT_ERR_NO_SPACE (5069)
    • one.42 Error 5056: BROM Fault : S_DL_PMT_ERR_NO_SPACE (5056)
    • one.43 Error 5066: S_DL_PC_BL_INVALID_GFH_FILE_INFOR
    • one.44 Fault 5095: S_DL_MAUI_FLASH_ID_NOT_MATCHED_WITH_TARGET (5095)
    • i.46 Fault 6012: BROM Mistake: S_SECURITY_SF_CODE_COMMAND_FORBIDDEN (6012), MSP ERROR CODE: 0X00
    • one.48 Error 6124: BROM ERROR: S_SECURITY_INVALID_PROJECT (6124), MSO Fault Lawmaking: 0X00
    • ane.49 Fault 8038: Error 8038! Android download pmt is ready, and layout has been changed / PMT changed for the ROM
    • 1.50 Mistake 8100:
    • one.51 Fault 8200:
    • 1.52 Fault 8406: SP FLASH TOOL Mistake (8406)
    • 1.53 Mistake 8417: BROM Error: Initialize scatter file failed. Delight bank check the scatter file name you load is legal
    • i.54 Stuck at Download DA 100%
    • one.55 SP Wink Tool flashing process was successful, but the phone's calibration doesn't work
    • one.56 USB device not recognized
    • one.57 Fault 0xFDA: BROM ERROR: S_FT_GET_MEMORY_FAIL (0xFDA)
    • ane.58 Fault 0x13BE: S_DL_GET_DRAM_SETTING_FAIL (0x13BE)
    • one.59 Error 0x3: BROM ERROR:?? (0x3)
    • 1.60 Error 0x7D4: BROM ERROR: S_BROM_DOWNLOAD_DA_FAIL (0x7D4)
    • 1.61 Error 0x8: BROM ERROR:?? (0x8)
    • 1.62 Error OXFC0: BROM Mistake S_FT_ENABLE_DRAM_FAIL (OXFC0)
    • 1.63 Error 0X411: BROM Error: S_CHKSUM_ERROR (0X411)
    • i.64 Error 0xFA1: BROM ERROR: S_FT_DA_NO_RESPONSE (0xFA1)
    • 1.65 TOOL DL paradigm Fail!
    • i.66 Error 0xFC0: BROM Mistake: S_FT_ENABLE_DRAM_FAIL (0xFC0)
    • 1.67 Error 0xC0050003: BROM Fault: STATUS_DOWNLOAD_EXCEPTION (0xC0050003)
    • ane.68 Error 0xc002002A: BROM Fault: STATUS_SEC_IMG_TYPE_MISMATCH (0xc002002A)
    • one.69 Error 0XFA8: BROM Fault: S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL (0XFA8)
    • 1.70 Mistake 0x7D5: BROM ERROR: S_BROM_CMD_STARTCMD_FAIL (0x7D5)
    • 1.71 Mistake: Boundary Cheque Failed: rom_end_addr >= next rom begin_addr.
    • i.72 Error 3179: BROM ERROR: S_CHIP_TYPE_NOT_MATCH (3179)
    • 1.73 Error 5073: BROM ERROR: S_DL_READ_PT_FAIL (5073)
    • ane.74 SP Flash Tool strength-closes when scatter file is loaded
    • 1.75 Storage blazon mismatch!
    • ane.76 Error 8045: No Valid Partition Management Table (PMT) for storage
    • i.77 Error 1041: BROM Mistake: S_CHKSUM_ERROR (1041)
    • 1.78 Error 6126: BROM Fault: S_SECURITY_SECRO_HASH_INCORRECT (6126), MSP ERROE Code: 0x00
    • 1.79 Mistake 6128: BROM ERROR: S_SECURITY_AC_REGION_NOT_FOUND_IN_SECROIMG (6128), MSP ERROR Lawmaking: 0X00
    • 1.fourscore Mistake 0xC0050005: Mistake STATUS_EXT_RAM_EXCEPTION (0xC0050005)
    • i.81 Error (three): BROM Fault:?? (3)
    • one.82 Error 6104: BROM Mistake: S_SECURITY_SECURE_USB_DL_DA_RETURN_INVALID_TYPE (6104), MSP Fault Code: 0X00
    • 1.83 Error 3183: BROM Fault: S_CHIP_TYRE_NOT_MATCH (3183)
    • 1.84 Mistake 0xC0060001: BROM Mistake: S_BROM_CMD_STARTCMD_FAIL (0xC0060001)
    • 1.85 Fault: PMT inverse for the ROM; it must exist downloaded
    • 1.86 Error 6004: ERROR: S_SECURITY_SLA_FAIL (6004), MSP ERROE Code: 0X00
    • ane.88 Error 2035: BROM Fault: S_BROM_CMD_JUMP_DA_FAIL (2035)
    • 1.89 Error 0x412: BROM Mistake: S_TIMEOUT (0X412)
    • 1.90 Error 6029: S_SECURITY_SEND_AUTH_FAIL (6029), MSP ERROE CODE: 0x00
    • 1.91 Error 0x93AF: ROM [logo] checksum mismatch checksum_config[0x93af], checksum_val[0x94ae]
    • 1.92 Error 5011: S_DL_SCAT_INCORRECT_FORMAT (5011)
    • one.93 Mistake 0xC52: BROM Mistake: S_DA_SDMMC_WRITE_FAILED (0XC52)
    • 1.94 Mistake 0XFAA: BROM Mistake: S_FT_FORMAT_FAIL (0XFAA)
    • ane.95 Error 5072: Mistake: S_DL_WRITE_PT_FAIL (5072)
    • i.96 Error 0xC0070004: Fault: STATUS_DA_HASH_MISMATCH (0xC0070004)
    • one.98 Fault 0XC0060003: Fault: STATUS_BROM_CMD_SEND_DA_FAIL (0XC0060003)
    • ane.99 Mistake 0x94010000: Chip TYPE Not match! target pass up value: 0x94010000
    • 1.100 Error 0xC0020029: BROM Fault: STATUS_SEC_IMGHDR_TYPE_MISMATCH (0xC0020029)
    • 1.101 Error 5000: BROM Fault: S_AUTH_HANDLE_IS_NOT_READY (5000)
    • one.102 Error 0xC002002C: Error: STATUS_SEC_IMG_HASH_VFY_FAIL (0xC002002C)
    • one.103 Fault 0xC0030012: ERROR: STATUS_SEC_AUTH_FILE_NEEDED (0xC0030012)
    • ane.104 Mistake 0xC0060005: Fault: STATUS_BROM_CMD_FAIL (0xC0060005)
    • ane.105 Error 8: ERROR: ?? (8)
    • 1.106 Error 0xC0030001: Error: STATUS_SCATTER_FILE_INVALID (0xC0030001)
    • ane.107 Error: Segmentation[nvram] should NOT ready "is_download" to true in scatter file
    • 1.108 Mistake 0xC0050001: Error: STATUS_DEVICE_CTRL_EXCEPTION (0XC0050001)
    • 1.109 Error 0xC002001B: Error: STATUS_SEC_PUBK_AUTH_MISMATCH_N (0xC002001B)
    • 1.110 Fault 5014: Error: S_DL_SCAT_ADDR_IS_NOT_ASCENDING_ORDER (5014)
    • 1.111 Error 0x7F3: BROM Mistake: S_BROM_CMD_JUMP_DA_FAIL
    • one.112 Error 3154: BROM ERROR: S_DA_SDMMC_WRITE_FAILED (3154)
    • 1.113 Error 0xC0010005: BROM Fault: STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERR (0xC0010005)
    • one.114 Error 0xC0010007: BROM ERROR: INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER (0xC0010007)
    • 1.115 Error 0xC0050007: Mistake: STATUS_READ_DATA_EXCEPTION (0xC0050007)
    • i.116 Error 0x13CD: BROM ERROR: S_DL_PMT_ERR_NO_SPACE (5069)
    • 1.117 Error: LIB DA not match, delight re-select DA or inquire for help
    • 1.118 Mistake -1073283068: BROM Error: STATUS_DA_HASH_MISMATCH (-1073283068), MSP ERROE Code: 0X00
    • one.119 Mistake 0XC50: S_DA_SDMMC_CONFIG_FAILED (0XC50)
    • 1.120 Mistake 3152: S_DA_SDMMC_CONFIG_FAILED (3152)
    • one.121 Error 0xC0020006: Mistake: STATUS_SEC_PL_VFY_FAIL (0xC0020006)
    • 1.122 Error 0xC0030003: Error: STATUS_DA_SELECTION_ERR (0xC0030003)
    • 1.123 Error 0xC0030008: Error: STATUS_INVALID_GPT (0xC0030008)
    • 1.124 Mistake 0xC0050004: ERROR: STATUS_UPLOAD_EXCEPTION (0xC0050004)
    • 1.125 Error 0x1: Error: ?? (0x1)
    • 1.126 Error 0xC0030004: ERROR: STATUS_PRELOADER_INVALID 0xC0030004
    • 1.127 Mistake 1003: Mistake: S_INVALID_BBCHIP_TYPE (1003)
    • 1.128 Mistake 0xC0010004: STATUS_UNSUPPORT_CTRL_CODE (0xC0010004)
    • 1.129 Error 0xC0020005: STATUS_SEC_IMG_TOO_LARGE (0xC0020005)
    • 1.130 Error 0xC0070005: STATUS_DA_EXCEED_MAX_NUM (0xC0070005)

Where to Download SP Flash Tool Latest and Older Versions?

Download the latest and older versions of the SP Flash Tool from Get SP Flash Tool.

How to Fix SP Wink Tool Errors (BROM Fault Codes):

SP Wink Tool Failed to enumerate COM Port

This error clearly means that the Wink Tool has issues finding the COM port on which your device is connected.


  1. Make certain to run SP Flash Tool as ambassador on your computer. (A viewer suggested this solution, as it helped him fix the failed to enumerate COM Port issue.)
  2. Connect your watch to some other Port and brand sure you have USB Drivers installed.
  3. Open "Device Manager" and observe the COM port of the device you lot connected. Once found, open Wink Tool, click on Options -> COM Port -> Select the COM Port on which you have connected your device.

The device automatically disconnects during flashing

Meaning: Device disconnects as soon equally the flashing process begins, interrupting the process.


  1. Endeavor a different USB Cord, USB Port & PC
  2. Concord the Volume Down or Upward button while connecting the device to the PC for flashing

SP Flash Tool remains at 0%


  1. Install necessary MediaTek VCOM drivers on PC.
  2. Employ the latest version of SP Flash Tool - Download

Follow the troubleshooting guide on how to fix the Wink tool Stuck at 0% (waiting) issue.

Error: Initialize scatter file failed. Please cheque the scatter file name you load is legal

Meaning: SP Flash Tool doesn't accept the name of the scatter file.


  1. Brand sure the scatter file was non renamed.
  2. Endeavour a higher version of SP Wink Tool [Download]

Error: USB device not recognized

This error occurs while you connect your device to the PC. Information technology shows a prompt on the system tray after connecting your device.

Pregnant: PC is having trouble communicating with your device (It occurs due to interruption, hardware, or driver problems).


  1. Try a different USB Cord, USB Port, or PC.
  2. Install the latest MediaTek USB drivers on PC.

Error: Please select one ROM at least before execution

Meaning: SP Flash Tool fails to recognize that there is an particular ticked.


  1. Select the Besprinkle file again and untick all the items which you don't desire to flash i by one. Don't use the checkbox, which un-ticks all the things at once and then checks one past one.

Error: PRO_INFO: Failed to get PMT info

Meaning: SP Flash Tool is having issues reading the telephone.


  1. Use different PC and USB Cable.
  2. Ensure that the phone is powered off with a charged battery within when connecting.

Note: Some phones require you lot to remove the battery while flashing. In this case, Solution 1 is the one you should follow.


Significant: Invalid Besprinkle file.

Solution: Load the correct scatter file.

Error 1012: BROM Error: S_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY (1012)

Pregnant: The version of SP Wink Tool doesn't support the size(s) of the file(south) in the firmware or ROM.


  1. Use the latest version of Wink Tool [Download]

Error 1003: S_COM_PORT_OPEN_FAIL (1003)

Pregnant: SP Flash Tool encountered an error while communicating with the device via the target port.


  1. Connect the device to a different USB Port on the PC
  2. Endeavour unlike versions of SP Flash Tool [Download]
  3. Endeavour using different USB Cable
  4. Make sure the device'south USB port is non damaged

Error 1013: BROM Fault: S_COM_PORT_OPEN Neglect (1013)

Meaning: SP Flash Tool encountered an error while communicating with the device via the target port.


  1. Connect the device to a different USB Port on the PC
  2. Try different versions of SP Flash Tool [Download]
  3. Try using different USB Cable
  4. Make sure the device's USB port is non damaged


Meaning: The size of any role of the firmware is larger than the allotted space (unremarkably a block or core)


  1. Change the version of the SP Wink Tool. Download from hither.

Notation: Information technology is learned that this fault sometimes occurs on the "raw" versions of the flash tool. So changing the version might assist.

Error 1022:

Pregnant: The version of the SP Flash tool is not uniform with your device, or the USB interface is not working.


  1. Use the different or latest version of SP Flash Tool - Download
  2. Change USB Cable or USB Port.


Significant: Flash kick files & Scatter.txt don't match.


  1. Make sure the correct scatter file is loaded.

Fault 1042: BROM ERROR: S_TIMEOUT (1042)

Pregnant: The flashing procedure took as well long, and the SP Flash Tool encountered a timeout.


  1. Try flashing 1 file at a time
  2. Employ the latest version of SP Flash Tool [Download]
  3. Utilize unlike PC and USB Cable

Mistake 2: BROM ERROR: ?? (2)

Pregnant: SP Flash Tool was unable to communicate with the device.


  1. Try using a dissimilar PC (preferably Windows 7)
  2. Install MediaTek USB Drivers on PC
  3. Use some other USB Cable

Error 4008: BROM Error : S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL (4008)

Pregnant: At that place is an interruption between the SP Flash Tool and the device communication, and the SP Wink Tool encountered an fault while flashing files.


  1. Take out the bombardment and re-insert it back.
  2. Utilize different USB Cable, Port, and PC.
  3. Right click flash_tool.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Set to Windows XP Service Pack 3 -> Apply -> OK -> Run flash_tool.exe as administrator.
  4. Make certain the bombardment has enough charge left.

Error 2004: BROM Error : S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL (2004)

Meaning: At that place is an pause between the SP Flash Tool and the device communication, and the SP Flash Tool encountered an error while flashing files.


  1. Take out the battery and re-insert it dorsum.
  2. Apply different USB Cable, port, and PC.
  3. Correct click flash_tool.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Prepare to Windows XP Service Pack three -> Use -> OK -> Run flash_tool.exe every bit ambassador.
  4. Make sure the battery has enough charge left.


Meaning: Device attempted to power on before SP Wink Tool could flash the files to it.


  1. Take out the battery and re-insert information technology dorsum.
  2. Utilise unlike USB Cable, port, and PC.
  3. Right click flash_tool.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Gear up to Windows XP Service Pack 3 -> Apply -> OK -> Run flash_tool.exe as administrator.
  4. Make sure the bombardment has enough accuse left.

Error 2020: BROM Mistake : S_BROM_CHKSUM16_MEM_RESULT_DIFF (2020)

Meaning: Flash Tool encountered a problem moving files to be flashed to the device's internal SRAM.


  1. apply the latest version of the SP flash tool [Download Here]
  2. In SP wink tool, navigate to Options > Option > Connection > Bombardment. Set it to "with battery".
  3. Use the Format all + Download option
  4. Hold both volume buttons before connecting to the PC for flashing and release once flashing begins

Error 3001: S_DA_EXT_RAM_ERROR

The SP Flash Tool Error 3001 occurs due to connection issues. Check the cable and reconnect to another port. If it still occurs, try using a unlike PC.


Meaning: Problem associated with the definition of flash retentiveness.


  1. Use the dissimilar version of flash tools - Download
  2. Use different PC, USB Cable, and USB Port.


Meaning: SP wink tool encountered an fault flashing a selected file to a not-specified partitioning


  1. Apply the latest version of SP Flash Tool - Download
  2. Use format option and so download in SP Flash Tool

Error 3144: S_DA_EMMC_FLASH_NOT_FOUND (3144)

Significant: Wink boot files and scatter mismatch. Note EMMC division device and MTD partition device utilise different TXT boot files.


  1. Choose the correct Scatter file.
  2. Utilise a dissimilar PC (preferably Windows XP) with all the drivers loaded.


Meaning: SP Flash tool is unable to flash files to the device.


  1. Apply the latest version of the SP flash tool and run it as administrator. [Download hither]
  2. Format offset then Download
  3. Don't tick a box with an unspecified/empty file path
  4. Ensure the telephone is switched off and has enough accuse before connecting to the PC for flashing
  5. Try a different PC
  6. Try a different ROM
  7. Endeavour a dissimilar USB cord
  8. Try formatting the phone get-go earlier flashing files to it

Mistake 3168: BROM Mistake: S_CHIP_TYPE_NOT_MATCH (3168)

Meaning: SP Flash Tool detects that there is a mismatch betwixt the information provided in the scatter file and the device's info.


  1. Make certain you are using the right ROM file for your device.
  2. Use the college version of SP Flash Tool - Download here
  3. Install correct drivers on PC.

Fault 3182: BROM Mistake: S_STORAGE_NOT_MATCH (3182)

Significant: The firmware you lot are trying to flash is non compatible with your device.

Solution: Attempt getting the appropriate firmware for your device model.


Significant: The firmware you lot are trying to wink is not uniform with your device.

Solution: Try getting the appropriate firmware for your device model.


Significant: The firmware you are trying to flash is not compatible with your device.

Solution: Try getting the advisable firmware for your device model.

Error 4001: S_FT_DA_NO_RESPONSE or Da didn't send response data to Flash Tool

Meaning: SP Wink Tool facing trouble communicating with the device.


  1. Use a different USB Port.
  2. Install MediaTek VCOM drivers on PC.
  3. Run Flash_tool.exe as administrator.
  4. Use a dissimilar PC (preferably Windows 7 or XP).
  5. Endeavour different USB Cable.

Error 4004: Driver Fault

Pregnant: Drivers not found or corrupted.

Solution: Uninstall drivers and re-install them.

Error 4009: S_FT_READBACK_FAIL (4009)

Meaning: SP Flash Tool failed to create a Readback file, perchance due to not plenty space for a file or file cannot be overwritten because it is locked.


  1. Use the different version of SP Flash Tool [Download]
  2. Delete old Readback files

Error 4010: BROM Mistake : S_FT_FORMAT_FAIL

Pregnant: The blocks map in the besprinkle file doesn't lucifer the device'southward sectionalization sizes


  1. Employ the correct firmware for your device model.
  2. Use the latest version of SP Wink Tool [Download]


Meaning: You're trying to wink a file that has not been processed for flashing via the SP flash tool

Error 4032: BROM Error : S_FT_ENABLE_DRAM_FAIL (4032) [EMI] Enable DRAM neglect

Meaning: The firmware y'all're trying to flash is either not uniform with your device or you have selected the wrong flashing settings


  1. Ensure that the firmware you are flashing is made for your device model.
  2. Delete the SP Flash Tool folder and re-extract information technology.
  3. Ensure y'all tick the boxes for merely the files nowadays in the ROM you lot're about to flash
  4. Might accept the incorrect driver installed. Uninstall the VCOM, Preloader, and MTK drivers and re-install them.


Pregnant: The SP Flash Tool Mistake Code 4050 occurs when cake sizes are non the same in the PMT and scatter. In general, this error is treated to download all the blocks (one can utilize data enough), then the size in the PMT should switch to the correct.


  1. Use a different version of Flash Tool - Download


Meaning: Flash tool was unable to locate the partition yous're trying to flash.

Solution: Un-tick any item with a blank or empty location


Pregnant: The Download Agent (DA) file selected is not compatible. DA file is fastened to the Flash Tool release, so choose the one which is provided in the Flash Tool folder.


  1. Choose the DA file from the SP Flash Tool folder.

Error 5007: BROM Fault : S_FTHND_FILE_IS_NOT_LOADED_YET (5007)

Meaning: You lot're trying to flash a file with the unspecified path (no file selected in the item box)


  1. Make sure the besprinkle file is in the aforementioned folder where the other files to be flashed are located.
  2. Untick any item whose file you do not have or whose path is non specified.


Meaning: The files you are trying to wink are not compatible with the device.


  1. Ensure you are using the correct files.

Mistake 5069: BROM Fault : S_DL_PMT_ERR_NO_SPACE (5069)

Meaning: The size of a file is larger than the available partition size.


  1. Ensure that you are flashing the correct files to the device.
  2. Endeavor another ROM.

Fault 5056: BROM Error : S_DL_PMT_ERR_NO_SPACE (5056)

Meaning: The size of a file is larger than the available partition size.


  1. Ensure that you are flashing the correct files to the device.
  2. Try some other ROM.


Significant: Wrong files. The Scatter file of the chosen folder is not all the same prepared for the FT files.


  1. Choose the correct scatter file prepared for the FT files.


Meaning: When yous choose the incorrect file, for example, another blazon of flash downloads into the electric current wink, the tool will warn with this message. The chosen flash files are not compatible with your device.


Meaning: The device has a protected or locked bootloader.

Solution: Unlock the bootloader on your device.

Mistake 6012: BROM ERROR: S_SECURITY_SF_CODE_COMMAND_FORBIDDEN (6012), MSP Fault Lawmaking: 0X00

Meaning: The Download-Amanuensis being used is incompatible with the device.

Solution: Set up Download-Agent to MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin


Pregnant: Hash (integrity) check of the files being flashed failed.


  1. Use SP Flash Tool V5.1516.00 from here
  2. Select the right Download Agent file
  3. Navigate to Options > Option > Download and untick DA DLL All…


Meaning: Wrong wink settings or firmware.


  1. Use the correct firmware for your exact device model
  2. Select the correct Download Agent file in the SP flash tool
  3. Go to Options > Pick > Connection > USB Speed > Full Speed
  4. Go to Options > Selection > Download > Untick DA DL All with Checksum

Mistake 8038: Error 8038! Android download pmt is prepare, and layout has been changed / PMT changed for the ROM

Meaning: SP Flash Tool is having problem writing to certain partitions due to some incompatibility.


  1. Format the phone in the SP flash tool (Do not format bootloader) so try flashing the files over again using Download
  2. If Download doesn't work then do a firmware upgrade
  3. If the MTK fill-in contains more than than one besprinkle file, retry flashing with the other scatter file.
  4. If that isn't viable, try formatting first or utilize the firmware upgrade
  5. If that doesn't work, open up the scatter file using Notepad++ and alter __NODL_FAT to Fat by removing "__NODL_".

Error 8100:

Pregnant: Cannot observe the USB port.


  1. Install the Drivers. If already installed, uninstall them and re-install them over again.

Fault 8200:

Meaning: Invalid file or incompatible recovery file.


  1. Find the right recovery file.
  2. Use the latest version of the SP Flash Tool. [Download Here]

Mistake 8406: SP FLASH TOOL Mistake (8406)

Meaning: Compatibility issues.


  1. Wink the right firmware for your exact device model.
  2. Update VCOM drivers.

Fault 8417: BROM Fault: Initialize besprinkle file failed. Delight check the besprinkle file proper name you load is legal

Significant: The format of the Scatter file is invalid.


Open up the scatter file in Notepad++, the commencement line must kickoff with:

############################################################################################################## General Setting #

If there is annihilation else above this then delete it and save the scatter file.

Stuck at Download DA 100%

Meaning: SP Flash Tool is having trouble communicating with your device.


  1. Uninstall and re-install MediaTek drivers.

SP Flash Tool flashing process was successful, just the phone's calibration doesn't work

If, after flashing the files using SP Wink Tool soft keys and touch doesn't work or answer, follow the below solution.


Edit the scatter file using Notepad++ and remove the NODL_ (or set is_download: faux to is_download: truthful) in front of the items you have in the backup folder but aren't listed when you load the scatter file in the SP flash tool. Removing NODL_ or setting is_download to true makes the particular listed/available in the SP flash tool when yous load the scatter file after saving it.

USB device non recognized

Meaning: The PC is having problem communicating with your device because of interruption, hardware, or driver problem.


  1. Remove and install the MediaTek MTK drivers again on your PC.
  2. Try a different USB cablevision.
  3. Connect the device to a dissimilar USB Port.
  4. If the above solutions don't work, attempt using another PC.


Pregnant: SP Wink Tool encountered an error reading your device's storage.


  1. Endeavor a different USB cablevision.
  2. Connect the device to a unlike USB Port.
  3. If the above solutions don't work, try using another PC.


Meaning: The firmware you are trying to flash is either not uniform or yous have selected the incorrect flashing settings.


  1. Make sure that the firmware you lot are trying to flash is actually for your device model.
  2. Just tick the boxes only for the files which are available in the ROM folder y'all're trying to flash.

Error 0x3: BROM Fault:?? (0x3)

Meaning: SP flash tool encountered an mistake maintaining the connection with the device during the flashing procedure.


  1. Uninstall and re-install MTK VCOM drivers on your PC.
  2. Try a different USB cablevision.
  3. Connect the device to a different USB Port.
  4. If the above solutions don't piece of work, endeavor using another PC.

Mistake 0x7D4: BROM Error: S_BROM_DOWNLOAD_DA_FAIL (0x7D4)

Significant: SP Flash Tool encountered an error writing to the device.


  1. Try changing the Download Agent (Secure Boot DA) file.
  2. Employ the latest version of SP Flash Tool – Download hither.
  3. Make certain that your device'southward bombardment is sufficiently charged.
  4. Make certain the device'due south USB port is not damaged.
  5. Ensure that the file names match what's in the besprinkle file.
  6. Try a different USB cable.
  7. Connect the device to a dissimilar USB Port.
  8. If the above solutions don't work, try using another PC.

Error 0x8: BROM Fault:?? (0x8)

Significant: The size of the file you are trying to wink is larger than the partition size.


  1. Ensure that the files y'all're trying to flash are actually for your device'southward verbal model.
  2. Attempt another Stock ROM.
  3. Change the telephone's EMMC scrap.
  4. Effort using a different PC.


Significant: The firmware you're trying to flash is either not compatible with your device or y'all have selected the wrong flashing settings.


  1. Ensure that the files yous're trying to flash are really for your device's verbal model.
  2. Simply tick the boxes merely for the files which are available in the ROM you're trying to wink.
  3. Uninstall the VCOM, Preloader, and MTK drivers and re-install them on your PC.
  4. Use the latest version of the Smartphone Flash Tool.
  5. Delete the SP Flash Tool folder and re-extract it.
  6. Ensure that the phone is powered off (with the battery inserted) before connecting to the PC for flashing.
  7. If the in a higher place solution doesn't work, and then you can try property downwardly the Book Down button and connect the phone to the PC. You can also try holding Book UP, Power and Volume Downwardly, Power, and Volume Up buttons.
  8. Format the telephone from Settings before trying to flash the files over again.


Meaning: At that place was a checksum error when flashing the firmware.


  1. Delete any file with the checksum in its name from the ROM/firmware folder.
  2. Go to Options > Option > Download > United nations-tick DA DL all with checksum.


Meaning: SP flash tool encountered an error communicating with the device.


  1. Install MTK VCOM drivers on your PC. If already installed, uninstall and re-install them.
  2. Ensure that the device is powered off and has charged battery inserted.
  3. Practice not agree any button when connecting the device to the PC for flashing.
  4. Endeavor a dissimilar USB cable.
  5. Connect the device to a different USB Port.
  6. If the in a higher place solutions don't work, attempt using another PC.

TOOL DL image Fail!

Significant: DA DL all with the Checksum option, is disabled in the SP wink tool.


  1. In SP Flash Tool, navigate to Options > Choice > Download > Tick DA DL all with checksum and re-flash the firmware.

Error 0xFC0: BROM Fault: S_FT_ENABLE_DRAM_FAIL (0xFC0)

Meaning: The firmware you're trying to flash is either not uniform with your device or you have selected the incorrect flashing settings.


  1. Ensure that the files you're trying to wink are really for your device'southward verbal model.
  2. Only tick the boxes only for the files which are bachelor in the ROM you're trying to flash.
  3. Uninstall the VCOM, Preloader, and MTK drivers and re-install them on your PC.
  4. Utilize the latest version of the Smartphone Flash Tool.
  5. Delete the SP Wink Tool folder and re-extract it.
  6. Ensure that the phone is powered off (with the bombardment inserted) earlier connecting to the PC for flashing.
  7. If the above solution doesn't work, and then yous tin can try holding downward the Volume Downwards button and connect the phone to the PC. You can too effort holding Volume UP, Power and Book Down, Ability, and Volume Upward buttons.
  8. Format the phone from Settings before trying to wink the files again.

Error 0xC0050003: BROM Error: STATUS_DOWNLOAD_EXCEPTION (0xC0050003)

Significant: SP flash tool encountered an error writing to 1 or more partitions.


  1. Download the latest version of the Smart Phone Flash Tool and re-wink the firmware.
  2. Try flashing one partitioning at a fourth dimension to figure out which partition is resulting in the error.
  3. Try a different USB cablevision.
  4. Connect the device to a different USB Port.
  5. If the above solutions don't work, attempt using another PC.


Meaning: The firmware you're trying to flash is either not uniform with your device, or yous have selected the incorrect flashing settings or verified boot is enabled.


  1. Unlock the bootloader earlier flashing the firmware.
  2. Ensure that the files you're trying to wink are actually for your device'southward exact model.
  3. Simply tick the boxes simply for the files which are available in the ROM y'all're trying to flash.
  4. Uninstall the VCOM, Preloader, and MTK drivers and re-install them on your PC.
  5. Use the latest version of the Smartphone Wink Tool.
  6. Delete the SP Flash Tool binder and re-extract information technology.
  7. Ensure that the phone is switched off (with the battery inserted) before connecting to the PC for flashing.
  8. If the above solution doesn't work, and then you tin can try holding down the Volume Down button and connect the telephone to the PC. You can as well try holding Volume UP, Ability and Volume Down, Ability, and Volume Upward buttons.
  9. Format the phone from Settings earlier trying to flash the files again.


Pregnant: SP wink tool encountered an error while attempting to flash the firmware.


  1. Make sure that the device is switched off, and the bombardment is in the device before connecting for flashing.
  2. Utilise the format option and then download it in the SP wink tool.
  3. Try changing the Download Agent setting in Smartphone Flash Tool.
  4. Effort a dissimilar USB cablevision.
  5. Try connecting the device to a dissimilar USB Port.
  6. Effort using a different PC.


Meaning: The device attempted to power on before the SP wink tool could wink the files to it.


  1. Make certain the battery is sufficiently charged on your device.
  2. Take out and re-insert the battery.
  3. Try using a different USB cable or COM port or PC.
  4. Right click flash_tool.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Set to Windows XP Service Pack 3 -> Employ -> OK -> Run flash_tool.exe equally ambassador.
  5. Do not concord any push button when connecting to the PC.

Mistake: Purlieus Check Failed: rom_end_addr >= next rom begin_addr.

Meaning: The firmware has a segmentation that wasn't included while backing upwards the firmware. SP Flash Tool encountered an fault in the end address of the preloader partition and the begin accost of the PGPT segmentation (i.e., the partition which wasn't included in the fill-in).


  1. Close the error message and manually select the location of all the files in the scatter file from the bottom to the top. Meaning that a preloader would be the last thing you will select.
  2. If that doesn't work, open and modify the besprinkle file using Notepad++ and then change the "boundary_check: True" to "boundary_check: Faux".


Pregnant: The firmware yous're trying to flash is either not uniform with your device or you have selected the incorrect flashing settings.


  1. Ensure that the files yous're trying to flash are actually for your device'due south exact model.
  2. Only tick the boxes only for the files which are available in the ROM you're trying to flash.
  3. Uninstall the VCOM, Preloader, and MTK drivers and re-install them on your PC.
  4. Employ the latest version of the Smartphone Wink Tool.
  5. Delete the SP Wink Tool folder and re-excerpt it.
  6. Ensure that the telephone is powered off (with the bombardment inserted) before connecting to the PC for flashing.
  7. If the higher up solution doesn't work, then you tin try holding down the Volume Down button and connect the telephone to the PC. Yous tin also endeavor property Book UP, Power and Book Down, Power, and Volume Up buttons.
  8. Format the phone from Settings before trying to flash the files again.

Error 5073: BROM ERROR: S_DL_READ_PT_FAIL (5073)

Meaning: Smartphone flash tool encountered an fault while trying to format the device.


  • Use "download merely" under the download tab to wink the firmware, and so y'all tin can format the device if needed.

SP Flash Tool force-closes when besprinkle file is loaded

Pregnant: SP Wink Tool doesn't support the besprinkle file because of its blocks or configuration.


  • Open the besprinkle file using Notepad++ and locate the concluding division on the listing (flashinfo) and change the is_download: true to is_download: false. Once washed, relieve the besprinkle file and reload it in SP Flash Tool.

Storage blazon mismatch!


scatter storage blazon is HW_STORAGE_EMMC

target storage blazon is HW_STORAGE_NAND


besprinkle storage blazon is HW_STORAGE_EMMC

target storage type is HW_STORAGE_NONE

Significant: In that location is a mismatch betwixt the device's storage type and that which the scatter file expects.


  1. Try using a different firmware or ROM.
  2. Attempt using SP Flash Tool version 3.x. If it doesn't work, try using dissimilar versions and make sure to run it as administrator.

Error 8045: No Valid Partition Management Table (PMT) for storage

Meaning: SP Flash Tool failed to identify the device's partition alee of the file writes.


  • Effort flashing the firmware using Download just.

Error 1041: BROM Error: S_CHKSUM_ERROR (1041)

Meaning: At that place was a checksum error when flashing the firmware.


  1. Delete any file with the checksum in its name from the ROM/firmware binder.
  2. Go to Options > Option > Download > Un-tick DA DL all with checksum.


Significant: The ROM contains a checksum file, only DA DL All With CheckSum is un-checked.


  • Tick DA DL All With Check Sum nether Options > Option > Download.


Pregnant: The ROM contains a checksum file, but DA DL All With CheckSum is un-checked.


  • Tick DA DL All With Check Sum nether Options > Option > Download.

Mistake 0xC0050005: Error STATUS_EXT_RAM_EXCEPTION (0xC0050005)

Pregnant: The firmware you're trying to flash is either non uniform with your device or you have selected the incorrect flashing settings.


  1. Ensure that the files you're trying to flash are actually for your device's verbal model.
  2. Merely tick the boxes only for the files which are available in the ROM you lot're trying to flash.
  3. Make sure your device's bombardment is sufficiently charged.

Error (three): BROM Fault:?? (3)

Significant: At that place is a problem with the format of the scatter file or files being flashed. Example – trying to flash .bin files using SP Flash Tool.


  • Check the scatter file and firmware files y'all are trying to flash to make sure that they're non meant to be flashed using a different tool.


Meaning: Incorrect flash settings or firmware/ROM files.


  1. Make certain you accept selected the right Download Agent file in SP Flash Tool and are using the firmware meant for your device's exact model.
  2. Go to Options > Option > Connectedness > USB Speed > Full Speed.
  3. Go to Options > Selection > Download > un-tick DA DL ALL with Checksum.

Error 3183: BROM Error: S_CHIP_TYRE_NOT_MATCH (3183)

Pregnant: SP Flash Tool believes that there is a mismatch between the information provided in the scatter file and device info.


  1. Brand certain to use the ROM/firmware for the exact device model.
  2. Try using the higher version of the SP Flash Tool.
  3. Uninstall and re-install the MediaTek MTK USB Drivers on your PC.

Mistake 0xC0060001: BROM Error: S_BROM_CMD_STARTCMD_FAIL (0xC0060001)

Meaning: The device attempted to power on earlier the SP flash tool could wink the files to information technology.


  1. The device might require a custom Download Amanuensis (DA) to be flashed.
  2. Make sure the battery is sufficiently charged before flashing.
  3. Have out and re-insert the battery.
  4. Try using a dissimilar USB cable or COM port or PC.
  5. Right click flash_tool.exe -> Backdrop -> Compatibility -> Set to Windows XP Service Pack three -> Utilize -> OK -> Run flash_tool.exe as administrator.
  6. Do non concord any button when connecting to the PC.

Error: PMT changed for the ROM; it must be downloaded

Meaning: The sectionalization table about to be written (from the scatter file) is different from the device's current sectionalization tabular array layout.


  1. Ensure that the scatter file and firmware/ROM files you're trying to flash are for your device'due south exact model.
  2. If y'all're trying to flash only a few files from the firmware, then yous demand to get the firmware to complement and then flash using download only.
  3. If you lot're trying to flash the complete firmware, and then try using the "Firmware Upgrade" option or Format get-go earlier the "download only" selection.


Meaning: The Download Agent file isn't uniform with the device.


  1. Try using a different Download Agent file.
  2. Try using a different version of the Smartphone Flash Tool.
  3. Ensure you are using the right Hallmark file.

Pregnant: The image files you are trying to flash do non comprise –sign header.


  1. Use the SP Flash Tool v5.1532.00 – Download here.
  2. Load the Auth file for the device in the flash tool.
  3. Try flashing a factory-signed firmware.
  4. Wink the unsigned image using the 'Write Memory' tab in SP Wink Tool. To actuate the write retentivity tab, press 'Ctrl + Alt + V' to enable avant-garde mode then click Window > Write Retentivity.

Mistake 2035: BROM ERROR: S_BROM_CMD_JUMP_DA_FAIL (2035)

Meaning: SP Flash Tool encountered an error connecting to the device.


  1. Ensure that the battery is inserted, and you're not property any button when connecting the device to a PC for flashing.
  2. Uninstall and re-install the MediaTek MTK VCOM Drivers.
  3. Disable any modem manager or software which might be blocking ports on the PC.
  4. Linux / Ubuntu users, make sure you lot installed 'libusb-dev' then blacklist Ubuntu'southward modem manager (because information technology controls port /dev/ttyACM0, which is causing SP Flash Tool from running properly).

Error 0x412: BROM ERROR: S_TIMEOUT (0X412)

Pregnant: SP Wink Tool encountered a timeout when trying to wink, i.e., flashing took long to start or consummate.


  1. Make sure that files are loaded in SP Wink Tool with a valid location. The location should not be empty.
  2. Endeavor flashing one file at a time.
  3. Endeavor using a higher version of the Smart Telephone Wink Tool.
  4. Un-tick larger files or find smaller alternatives.


Meaning: SP Flash Tool failed to cosign the files you are trying to flash.


  1. Try another ROM/firmware from a different source.
  2. Get an Auth file for your device model.
  3. For Tecno, Infinix, and Itel devices, utilise Software Download Tool (Format + Download).

Error 0x93AF: ROM [logo] checksum mismatch checksum_config[0x93af], checksum_val[0x94ae]

Significant: The SP Flash Tool Error Code 0x93AF ways that the tool encountered a checksum error.


  1. Open the checksum file using Notepad++ and search for 0x93af and supersede it with 0x94ae.
  2. Delete any checksum file from the ROM/firmware files.


Significant: The besprinkle file has an incorrect format. It has been badly created or modified.


  1. Download a different scatter file that doesn't throw an error in SPFT. Now open the two scatter files using Notepad++, and you will notice that the incorrect scatter file has the items slightly shifted to the left. Edit the incorrect besprinkle file to the same format as in the working besprinkle file.
  2. Afterwards modifying the scatter file using the higher up method, use the latest version of SP Flash Tool e.g., SP Flash Tool v5.1728.
  3. Download another ROM/firmware from a unlike source.


Meaning: SP Wink Tool was unable to wink files to the device.


  1. Make sure to use the latest version of the SP Flash Tool and run it every bit ambassador.
  2. Format outset then Download.
  3. Un-tick the box with an unspecified/empty file path.
  4. Ensure that the battery is sufficiently charged and the device is switched off before connecting to the PC for flashing.
  5. Endeavor a unlike ROM from a different source.
  6. Attempt formatting the device first before flashing the files.
  7. Try a unlike USB cable.
  8. Connect the device to a different USB Port.
  9. If the above solutions don't work, try using another PC.


Significant: The source (firmware) doesn't properly friction match with the target (phone).


  1. Try using a different firmware for your device model.
  2. Ensure you're using the right tool for flashing the firmware.

Error 5072: ERROR: S_DL_WRITE_PT_FAIL (5072)

Meaning: SPFT encountered a problem writing to 1 or more partitions.


  1. Make sure the device is powered off with a charged battery within earlier connecting to the PC for flashing.
  2. Don't hold any buttons when connecting to the PC.
  3. Try a different USB cable.
  4. Connect the device to a different USB Port.
  5. If the in a higher place solutions don't work, try using another PC.

Error 0xC0070004: Mistake: STATUS_DA_HASH_MISMATCH (0xC0070004)

Meaning: Hash (integrity) check for the images beingness flashed is failed.


  1. Use SP Wink Tool v5.1516.00 – Download from hither.
  2. Make sure to select the right Download Agent file.
  3. Navigate to Options > Pick > Download > Un-tick DA DL all with checksum.


Meaning: The SP Flash Tool Error Lawmaking 6046 refers to the failed signature verification for the firmware files.


  1. Select MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin equally Download Agent file.
  2. Navigate to Options > Choice > Download > United nations-tick DA DL all with Checksum.
  3. Delete any checksum file in the ROM/firmware binder.

Error 0XC0060003: ERROR: STATUS_BROM_CMD_SEND_DA_FAIL (0XC0060003)

Meaning: Smart Phone Flash Tool is unable to read or write to the device using the selected Download Agent.


  1. The device might require a custom Download Agent (DA) to exist flashed.
  2. Brand sure the battery is sufficiently charged before flashing.
  3. Accept out and re-insert the battery.
  4. Try using a different USB cable or COM port or PC.
  5. Right click flash_tool.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Set to Windows XP Service Pack iii -> Utilize -> OK -> Run flash_tool.exe as administrator.
  6. Practice not agree whatsoever button when connecting to the PC.

Mistake 0x94010000: CHIP Blazon Non match! target pass up value: 0x94010000

Meaning: The device likely has a locked/encrypted preloader.


  • United nations-tick preloader when flashing in SP Flash Tool.


Pregnant: You are trying to flash the modified files to a device that accepts but signed or verified images.


  1. Download and flash the official firmware for your device (usually have –verified or –signed prefixes in their filename).
  2. If possible, unlock the bootloader of your device and so effort re-flashing.


Meaning: The device has a secure boot/bootloader.


  1. You will need an Auth (*.auth) file or custom Download Agent (DA) file for the device to proceed with flashing using SP Flash Tool.
  2. For Tecno, Infinix, and Itel devices, use Software Download Tool (Format + Download).

Fault 0xC002002C: ERROR: STATUS_SEC_IMG_HASH_VFY_FAIL (0xC002002C)

Meaning: The device has a verified boot.


  • Download and flash the official firmware for your device (ordinarily take –verified or –signed prefixes in their filename).

Mistake 0xC0030012: ERROR: STATUS_SEC_AUTH_FILE_NEEDED (0xC0030012)

Significant: The device has a secure boot.


  • You will need an Auth (*.auth) file or custom Download Agent (DA) file for the device to proceed with flashing using SP Flash Tool.

Error 0xC0060005: Fault: STATUS_BROM_CMD_FAIL (0xC0060005)

Pregnant: The device attempted to power on before the SP Flash Tool could flash files to information technology.


  • You will need a custom Download Amanuensis (DA) file for your device model.

Mistake viii: ERROR: ?? (8)

Meaning: The size of a file is larger than the bachelor partition size.


  1. Make sure that the firmware files you are trying to flash are really for your device's exact model.
  2. Try another Stock ROM from a unlike source.
  3. Change the device's EMMC fleck.
  4. Endeavour using a different PC.

Error 0xC0030001: Error: STATUS_SCATTER_FILE_INVALID (0xC0030001)

Significant: SP Wink Tool cannot recognize the besprinkle file or the location of the scatter file.


  1. Rename the folder location of the besprinkle file, including the parent folders besides, and remove all special characters / non-English language characters from the folder name.
  2. If that doesn't work, and so create a new binder on your desktop and copy Just the firmware files to the new folder and then retry flashing the contents from the new folder.

Error: Partition[nvram] should Non set "is_download" to true in scatter file

Significant: The scatter file specifies to download NVRAM but doesn't specify a file name for NVRAM. This error is common in later versions of the SP Flash Tool.


  1. Modify the scatter file using notepad++ and add a file proper name for the NVRAM sectionalisation. e.m., "file_name: nvram.bin" then save and ensure there's a nvram.bin file in the same folder as the scatter file.
  2. If that doesn't work, modify the besprinkle file using notepad++ and ready "is_download: false" for the NVRAM partitioning.

Fault 0xC0050001: Fault: STATUS_DEVICE_CTRL_EXCEPTION (0XC0050001)

Meaning: The firmware yous are trying to flash is either not compatible or yous have selected the incorrect flashing settings.


  1. Brand sure that the firmware y'all are trying to flash is actually for your device model.
  2. Only tick the boxes only for the files which are available in the ROM folder you're trying to flash.
  3. Uninstall and re-install MediaTek Preloader VCOM USB Drivers.

Error 0xC002001B: Fault: STATUS_SEC_PUBK_AUTH_MISMATCH_N (0xC002001B)

Meaning: The device has a verified boot.


  • Download and flash the official firmware for your device (usually accept –verified or –signed prefixes in their filename).


Pregnant: The besprinkle file was badly created or modified, depending on how yous obtained the scatter file.


  • Input the correct values for all "physical_start_addr" in the scatter file. The exact value for "physical_start_addr" is the same equally the value of "linear_start_addr".

Mistake 0x7F3: BROM Fault: S_BROM_CMD_JUMP_DA_FAIL

Pregnant: SP Flash Tool is having trouble communicating with the device.


  1. Ensure that the bombardment is inserted, and you're not property any button when connecting the device to a PC for flashing.
  2. Uninstall and re-install the MediaTek Preloader Drivers.
  3. Disable any modem managing director or software which might be blocking ports on the PC.
  4. Linux / Ubuntu users, make certain you installed 'libusb-dev' and then blacklist Ubuntu's modem director (because it controls port /dev/ttyACM0, which is causing SP Flash Tool from running properly).

Error 3154: BROM Error: S_DA_SDMMC_WRITE_FAILED (3154)

Meaning: SP Flash Tool Error Code 3154 means that the wink tool is having trouble flashing files to the device.


  1. Make certain to apply the latest version of the SP Flash Tool and run it every bit administrator.
  2. Format first then Download.
  3. United nations-tick the box with an unspecified/empty file path.
  4. Ensure that the battery is sufficiently charged and the device is switched off before connecting to the PC for flashing.
  5. Attempt a dissimilar ROM from a different source.
  6. Try formatting the device first before flashing the files.
  7. Try a unlike USB cablevision.
  8. Connect the device to a different USB Port.
  9. If the to a higher place solutions don't work, try using another PC.

Mistake 0xC0010005: BROM Error: STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERR (0xC0010005)

Meaning: SP flash tool is having trouble communicating with the device.


  • Make certain that the phone is switched off with the battery inserted earlier connecting to the PC for flashing.

Fault 0xC0010007: BROM ERROR: INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER (0xC0010007)

Significant: SP Flash Tool seems to be blocked from flashing files to the device.


  • If y'all can boot your device into Fastboot Fashion, then unlock the bootloader and so try flashing again.
  • Un-tick OEM and then retry flashing.

Error 0xC0050007: Mistake: STATUS_READ_DATA_EXCEPTION (0xC0050007)

Pregnant: SP Flash Tool is unable to readback from the connected device. This fault usually occurs, especially when the readback length is too big.


  1. Download and install updated MTK drivers on your PC.
  2. If y'all're performing a readback, try skipping enshroud and userdata.

Error 0x13CD: BROM Mistake: S_DL_PMT_ERR_NO_SPACE (5069)

Significant: The size of a file is larger than the available partitioning size.


  1. Make sure that the firmware files you are trying to flash are actually for your device's verbal model.
  2. Try another Stock ROM from a different source.
  3. Modify the device's EMMC chip.

Error: LIB DA not match, delight re-select DA or ask for aid

Meaning: SP Flash Tool is having trouble using the selected Download Amanuensis (DA) file.


  1. United nations-tick "Check LIB DA match" from the SP Flash Tool general settings (Options > Option).
  2. Try another version of the SP Flash Tool.

Error -1073283068: BROM Mistake: STATUS_DA_HASH_MISMATCH (-1073283068), MSP ERROE CODE: 0X00

Pregnant: The Download Agent (DA) file selected isn't compatible.


  • Effort using Download Agent (DA) + Auth file + Factory ROM.


Significant: The device probable has a protected preloader or bootloader.


  • United nations-tick preloader when flashing in SP Wink Tool.

Error 3152: S_DA_SDMMC_CONFIG_FAILED (3152)

Pregnant: The device probable has a protected preloader or bootloader.


  • Un-tick preloader when flashing in SP Flash Tool.

Error 0xC0020006: Mistake: STATUS_SEC_PL_VFY_FAIL (0xC0020006)

Pregnant: The device likely has a protected preloader or bootloader.


  1. Endeavour using a signed ROM/firmware.
  2. Try unlocking the bootloader before flashing.

Error 0xC0030003: ERROR: STATUS_DA_SELECTION_ERR (0xC0030003)

Meaning: The Download Agent (DA) file selected is incompatible.


  1. Endeavor using a different Download Agent file.
  2. Try using Download Amanuensis (DA) + Auth file + Mill ROM.
  3. Attempt using a different version of the Smartphone Flash Tool.
  4. For Tecno, Infinix, and Itel devices, use Software Download Tool.

Error 0xC0030008: Fault: STATUS_INVALID_GPT (0xC0030008)

Meaning: EMMC chip is faulty on the device.


  • Alter the device's EMMC chip.

Error 0xC0050004: Fault: STATUS_UPLOAD_EXCEPTION (0xC0050004)

Significant: SP Flash Tool is unable to communicate with the device.


  1. Try flashing with/without the battery inserted.
  2. Effort a dissimilar USB cable.
  3. Connect the device to a different USB Port.
  4. If the above solutions don't work, try using some other PC.

Error 0x1: Error: ?? (0x1)

Pregnant: SP flash tool is having trouble communicating with the device.


  • Effort using a custom Download Agent (DA) and Auth file for your device model.

Fault 0xC0030004: Mistake: STATUS_PRELOADER_INVALID 0xC0030004

Meaning: There is a problem with the preloader sectionalisation name in the scatter file or the flash tool is having trouble communicating with the device.


  1. Alter the scatter file using Notepad++ and alter the partition proper name to all lower cases. Ex: PRELOADER to preloader or to match the exact file name in the firmware and relieve the scatter file.
  2. Effort belongings the book up or volume downwardly button before connecting the phone to the PC.
  3. If you lot become an fault while trying to format, return to the download tab and tick the checkbox for the preloader, then return to the format tab and retry formatting.


Significant: There is a problem with the scatter file.


  • Make certain to use SP Flash Tool uniform scatter file.

Error 0xC0010004: STATUS_UNSUPPORT_CTRL_CODE (0xC0010004)

Meaning: The SP Wink Tool version you are using doesn't support your device or chipset.


  1. Make sure y'all are using the latest version of the SP Flash Tool.
  2. Navigate to Options > Option > Un-tick Storage Life Cycle Bank check.

Fault 0xC0020005: STATUS_SEC_IMG_TOO_LARGE (0xC0020005)

Meaning: The size of a file is larger than the available partition size, or the file isn't verified or signed.


  1. Ensure that the files you lot're trying to flash are actually for your device's exact model.
  2. Look for dissimilar firmware/ROM.
  3. Change the telephone's EMMC bit.
  4. Effort using a different PC.

Mistake 0xC0070005: STATUS_DA_EXCEED_MAX_NUM (0xC0070005)

Significant: The SP Flash Tool is having trouble connecting with the phone, or you are flashing the wrong firmware.


  1. If you lot were holding buttons, try flashing without pressing any buttons (vice versa).
  2. Effort flashing a unlike firmware or at to the lowest degree the preloader from a dissimilar firmware.

These were the list of SP Flash Tool Errors and solutions to prepare them. Do share this with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites, etc., and help them in fixing SP Flash Tool Error they are facing.

Take nosotros missed any SP Flash Tool BROM Error? And so do let united states know in the comment section below.

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Source: https://www.gizmoadvices.com/list-sp-flash-tool-error-codes-solution-fix/

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