Blood Suger Reading of 157 After Eating

High Blood Carbohydrate (Hyperglycemia) Facts

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High blood sugar needs to be monitored through blood tests.

High claret sugar needs to exist monitored through blood tests.

Whenever the glucose (saccharide) level in i's blood rises high temporarily, this status is known equally hyperglycemia. The opposite condition, depression claret carbohydrate, is chosen hypoglycemia.

Glucose comes from most foods, and the torso uses other chemicals to create glucose in the liver and muscles. The blood carries glucose (blood sugar) to all the cells in the torso. To behave glucose into the cells equally an energy supply, cells demand help from insulin. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas, an organ well-nigh the tummy.

The pancreas releases insulin into the blood, based upon the blood sugar level. Insulin helps movement glucose from digested food into cells. Sometimes, the trunk stops making insulin (every bit in type one diabetes), or the insulin does not work properly (as in blazon ii diabetes). In diabetic patients, glucose does not enter the cells sufficiently, thus staying in the blood and creating loftier blood sugar levels.

Blood sugar levels can exist measured in seconds past using a blood glucose meter, also known as a glucometer. A tiny driblet of claret from the finger or forearm is placed on a exam strip and inserted into the glucometer. The claret sugar (or glucose) level is displayed digitally within seconds.

Blood glucose levels vary widely throughout the day and dark in people with diabetes. Ideally, blood glucose levels range from 90 to 130 mg/dL earlier meals, and below 180 mg/dL within 1 to two hours after a meal. Adolescents and adults with diabetes strive to keep their claret carbohydrate levels within a controlled range, normally 80-150 mg/dL earlier meals. Doctors and diabetes health educators guide each patient to determine their optimal range of claret glucose control.

When blood saccharide levels remain high for several hours, dehydration and more serious complications can develop. Moreover, even balmy hyperglycemia (a fasting claret saccharide over 109 mg/dL in adolescents/adults or over 100 mg/dL in children before puberty) - when unrecognized or inadequately treated for several years - tin can damage multiple tissues in the brain, kidneys, and arteries. When hyperglycemia is associated with the presence of ketones in the urine, this country demands immediate medical attending. When blood carbohydrate levels ascent and stay loftier (over 165 mg/dL consistently) for days to weeks, diabetes should be suspected and handling initiated.

High blood sugar level fluctations occur daily in people with diabetes. It is important to control blood saccharide levels through diet, exercise, and medication (if prescribed), to know the symptoms of elevated blood sugar, and to seek treatment, when necessary.

High Blood Sugar Causes

Diabetes mellitus is one of several persistent conditions causing high blood sugar levels. For someone with diabetes, hyperglycemia has many possible causes:

  • Carbohydrates: Eating food containing too many carbohydrates, a form of saccharide. The body of a person with diabetes cannot process loftier levels of carbohydrates fast plenty to catechumen it into energy. Blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes can rise within hours subsequently eating.
  • Insulin control: Not producing enough insulin activity (either by injection of insulin or taking medicine which stimulates the pancreas to brand more insulin). People with diabetes must control blood saccharide past a combination of dietary discretion, taking medication, and physical action. When food, exercise, and insulin are not counterbalanced, blood sugar levels rise.
  • Stress: Emotions can play a role in causing hyperglycemia, but should not be used as an excuse for poor command of diabetes.
  • Low levels of practise: Daily exercise is a critical contributor to regulating blood carbohydrate levels.
  • Infection, illness, or surgery: With affliction, blood sugar levels tend to rise quickly over several hours.
  • Other medications: Certain drugs, specially steroids, can touch on blood sugar levels.


______________ is another term for blazon 2 diabetes. Run across Answer

High Claret Carbohydrate Symptoms

A high blood sugar level itself is a symptom of diabetes. However, an individual experiencing hyperglycemia may take no symptoms at all.

Common symptoms can include:

  • Dry rima oris
  • Thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Urination during the dark
  • Blurry vision
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Fatigue or drowsiness
  • Weight loss
  • Increased appetite

If hyperglycemia persists for several hours and leads to dehydration, other symptoms may develop, such equally:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Dizziness upon standing
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Increased drowsiness and confusion
  • Unconsciousness or blackout

Left untreated, hyperglycemia can pb to a condition chosen ketoacidosis, likewise known as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or diabetic coma. This occurs considering the torso has bereft insulin to process glucose into fuel, then the body breaks down fats to utilize for free energy. When the trunk breaks down fat, ketones are produced equally by-products. Some ketones are eliminated via the urine, but not all. Until the patient is rehydrated, and adequate insulin action is restored, ketones remain in the blood. Ketones in the claret cause nausea, headache, fatigue, or vomiting.

Ketoacidosis is life-threatening and demands firsthand treatment.

Symptoms include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dry oral fissure
  • Breath that smells fruity
  • Stomach hurting

When to Seek Medical Intendance for High Claret Sugar (Hyperglycemia)

If hyperglycemia persists for at least two or three days, or if ketones appear in the urine, telephone call a doctor.

More often than not, people with diabetes should test their blood saccharide levels at least four times a 24-hour interval: before meals and at bedtime (or following the schedule advised by the prescribed individual diabetes care programme). The urine should be checked for ketones any time the claret sugar level is over 250 mg/dL.

When blood sugar stays high despite following a diabetic diet and plan of care, phone call the nurse, diabetes wellness educator, or physician for adjustments in the diet.

If blood sugars are high considering of illness, check for ketones and contact a health professional.

Seek immediate medical care for these conditions:

  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Sleepiness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dehydration
  • Claret sugar levels that stay to a higher place 160 mg/dL for longer than a calendar week
  • Glucose readings higher than 300 mg/dL
  • The presence of ketones in the urine

Ketoacidosis or diabetic blackout is a medical emergency. Call 911 for emergency transport to a hospital or like emergency eye.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor well-nigh High Claret Saccharide (Hyperglycemia)

Please inquire your wellness care professional nearly the following:

  • How to recognize high claret sugar levels
  • How to treat a high blood sugar level when it occurs in you, a family unit member, or coworkers
  • How to prevent the claret saccharide level from becoming besides high
  • How to contact the medical staff during an emergency
  • What emergency supplies to conduct to care for high blood sugar
  • Additional educational materials regarding high blood carbohydrate

Self-Intendance at Home for Loftier Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia)

Check blood sugar levels with a claret glucose meter. If blood sugar level is college than normal, but in that location are no symptoms, go on routine care such as:

  • Take all diabetes medications on schedule.
  • Consume regular meals.
  • Drinkable carbohydrate-free and caffeine-free liquids.
  • Take a blood saccharide reading every four hours (write it down) until levels are back to normal.
  • Cheque urine for ketones (all patients with diabetes) and write down the readings. Follow sick twenty-four hours rules as defined in your diabetes care plan until ketones disappear from urine.

Strategies to lower blood sugar level include:

  • Exercise: A simple way to lower high claret carbohydrate is to exercise. But if blood glucose levels are higher than 240 mg/dL, offset check the urine for ketones. If ketones are present, do not practise. The risk is that claret saccharide levels volition ascension even college. Talk with the physician about a prophylactic way to lower blood glucose levels in this state of affairs.
  • Nutrition: Work with a diabetes wellness educator or registered dietitian to develop a workable diet programme to manage diabetes.
  • Medication: If diet and exercise are not keeping blood sugar levels in the normal range, the doctor may adjust the amount, timing, or type of medications or insulin.

High Blood Sugar Treatment

  • Medication alter: High claret sugars may be a sign that the person with diabetes needs to accept medication, to change medications, or to change the way it is given (for example, additional insulin would be given, or a switch might exist made from oral medication to injected medication).
  • Other illness: Other illnesses need to exist diagnosed and treated if an illness is causing loftier blood carbohydrate levels. Infection or illness may demand to be treated in the hospital, where wellness professionals tin can suit the program of intendance.
  • Other Medications: A number of medications are available to help control claret sugar levels for people with type 2 diabetes. Insulin is also prescribed  for people with diabetes (all with type ane diabetes and many with type 2 diabetes).


Type ii Diabetes: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments See Slideshow

Loftier Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia) Follow-upward

Patients with diabetes should accept a hemoglobin A1c examination performed every three months. Similar to a report card, this test provides feedback nigh the overall saccharide levels for the by iii months. People with diabetes should have a hemoglobin A1c level less than seven% at each clinical visit. Levels above vii% usually outcome from a person'due south consistent failure to:

  • follow a proper program of diet,
  • take the necessary medication(s),
  • closely monitor blood glucose, or
  • exercise.

High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia) Prevention

  • Learn nearly managing diabetes.
  • Work with a certified diabetes educator. This person will accept a CDE certification and may piece of work in a diabetes education centre or hospital.
  • Check claret carbohydrate as directed past a CDE and doctor or nurse.
  • Know the symptoms and act quickly earlier claret sugars get out of control.
  • Follow a diabetes diet program. Accommodate the plan every bit needed.
  • Have medications for diabetes every bit directed by your healthcare professional.
  • Exercise daily.

Support Groups and Counseling for High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia)

You or family unit members may wish to bring together a support group with other people to share your experiences. The American Diabetes Association and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation are both excellent resources. Your wellness care provider volition have data nearly local groups in your area. The following groups also provide support:

American Association of Diabetes Educators
100 W Monroe, Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60603
(800) 338-3633

American Diabetes Clan
1701 North Beauregard Street
Alexandria, VA 22311
(800) DIABETES (342-2383)
[e-mail protected]

American Dietetic Association
120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60606-6995
(800) 877-1600

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International
120 Wall Street
New York, NY 10005-4001
(800) 533-CURE (2873)
[email protected]

National Diabetes Education Program
One Diabetes Way
Bethesda, MD 20814-9692
(800) 438-5383
[email protected]


"Diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state in adults: Clinical features, evaluation, and diagnosis"

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